How Could I Obtain Enough Credits to Satisfy My Freshman Year?

Grant Aldrich

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

At, we work with a number of participating accredited universities that have agreed to recognize our courses for credit. To give you an example, with Ashworth College, you can complete the equivalent of your freshman year by completing these 10 courses when you enroll towards their Bachelor’s degree in General Studies (see the specific course mapping here). Referencing the same provided course mapping, it’s also possible to complete the equivalent of your freshman year with their Associate’s Degree in General Studies.

To provide you with another example, here is another sample course mapping to show which courses could be applicable to the A.S. in Liberal Arts program offered at Excelsior College. In this example, 44 units of credits from could be applied (more than a first year!) This provides students with an example for this particular program but could change based on the many programs Excelsior offers or the situation of each individual student.

Our courses have also earned a recommendation for credit from the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) who’s recommendations are considered by over 1400 universities and colleges in the United States. Our 15 courses have earned a total of 44 college credit recommendations based on the NCCRS evaluation (see here). When you enroll at a university, a freshman year of college usually requires 24-30 completed units. When you contact a cooperating NCCRS university, you should inquire about potentially receiving credit, and which combination of our 15 courses could satisfy the most credits based on your major.

Remember that every school has different requirements and guidelines, and no one can guarantee accepting credits other than the university itself. Many schools limit the amount of units that can be awarded when you transfer in. Given the major or degree you choose, you could receive a considerable amount of credits, but maybe not the entire equivalent of your freshman year. See our recommended to-do list in the Full Transfer Guide to take prudent steps in ensuring you can obtain college credit at the university you plan on attending.

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